About me

Hi I’m the Author behind The Nick Bell Blog. I recently switched to a plant based diet. As of writing this I am 3 months in. Eating plants and whole foods and following a vegan diet has helped me lose weight and have more energy.

Sharing Experiences

I am here to share my experiences with you hoping you will adopt a similar lifestyle for your health, for compassion for animals, for whatever reason is personal to you. Before I made a switch, before I started writing this blog, I enjoyed a very unhealthy lifestyle as a consumer of meat, dairy, junk food, you name it. Then one day I decided it was time, like hopefully you are doing as you read this.

So where to begin? Well if you get one thing from reading my blog, I hope its that you are 100% capable of taking control of your life. If you get two things from reading my blog? I hope the second is that you can keep things super simple. For me, that was absolutely key. I certainly wasn’t Martha Stewart before this, and I ain’t going to start now. Simple whole foods and clean eating. We can all use one less rule book to live by, this blog is one less rule book. It’s a documentary of experiences.


Again, simplicity is key. I don’t make Matcha Lattes daily (although I’ve attempted them and they are delicious). Rather I use instant mushroom coffee packets and almond milk. Takes two seconds to make and is super kind to my gut.

I knew I needed yoga in my life to help with flexibility. I use the same YouTube video by Yoga Journal almost every day for 15 minutes on my living room floor (life is far too busy right now for yoga classes although if you have time you should do it!).

Many of my meals are Chipotle style- I spend 30 minutes every other few days cooking rice, vegetables, quinoa, slicing up fruit then laying the assortment out. The family eats, I eat, the rest goes in containers and I throw together whatever I want as the week goes on.

I don’t spend a ton of money on expensive supplements, powders, or exotic fruits. Except mushroom coffee and cold brew coffee are kinda pricey (we all have our weakness).

I don’t own a ton of expensive kitchen tools. I have a Vitamix which I was lucky enough to own from before, a cheap counter top rice steamer, and a cheap plastic microwave veggie steamer.

A Healthy Life in Many Ways

I am also here to write, and share my thoughts about other stuff. Like recently I started getting up a 4 am, even on weekends. I’ve used this time to really pay attention to my creative side. I began this habit in the dead of winter so I haven’t found the motivation to get outside and exercise – that wasn’t the purpose. But what I discovered is I will more often be inspired to get off to the gym or do that simple 15 minutes of yoga on my living room floor.

Think about this for a second- you say to yourself “I’m going to get up at four and start exercising every day! Hooray!” Yuck! No! Who on earth is motivated by saying that? Even the people who do that are not motivated by saying such things!

Rather, start a simple habit. I was actually pretty excited to start getting up early and reading, or writing this blog, mushroom coffee in hand, on the couch under the blanket. You may find yourself naturally getting motivated to do other things just because you said you would do one simple thing and that is wake early.

Finding Gratitude

We all should have more of this right? Have gratitude for the jobs we have (or be thankful for the rare state of freedom if one is between jobs, or enjoys other means of living). Have gratitude for the people in our lives, especially the ones who don’t bring you stress and who lift you up. Have gratitude for our bodies and reward it and yourself by living a healthy lifestyle. So much to be grateful for! We should all be reminding ourselves daily to have gratitude.

A Final Note

Thank you for spending time here at The Nick Bell Blog, I truly have gratitude for it. I hope my experiences venturing into a healthier life style will serve as resource and inspiration to make your own life improvements. Remember, keep it simple and be authentic to yourself. There you will find the greatest freedom of all.

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